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Our very own Partner of Marketing Technology, Darren Rankine, joined Simon Data’s Jason Davis in the latest episode of “Data Unlocked” to discuss the complexities and challenges in the MarTech and CDP space.

‍“The CDP acronym is synonymous with a vehicle. and it really comes down to what vehicle do you need?” – Darren Rankine

Choosing the right CDP for your business can be a challenge for any marketer. The main question that we consistently reiterate to our client partners is what business value are you trying to drive and enable? It is important to take a step back, and truly understand the business objectives.

In this episode, Darren highlights some of the most common business problems and challenges that we see CMO’s face when selecting a tech stack for their business:

  • New hires don’t know what data they have, or where it is. And if they do know, it typically exists in siloes.
  • Marketers want customer experiences to be relevant, timely & personalized.
  • The Martech stack is disconnected and data is fragmented in many places.

We are a media and marketing technology consultancy dedicated to helping clients navigate the complex digital landscape and excel in a data-driven world. Our mission is all about helping brands become familiar with the latest media and marketing technologies and implement these technologies for better returns.

“Marketing hasn’t changed. But now, how you get there and what you need to achieve your [marketing] goals is based on the tech and the data you have.” – Darren Rankine

Darren Rankine, Partner, Technology